Teknologi is largely misused to destroy the world ? Agree or Desagree

Technologies are become a crucial part in our daily life.These are becoming a very important in all the fields of our life.Technology is most appropriately used in most sections that are very important like hospitals research and development.But these technologies have been misused to destroy the world .There are types of technology that are prone to misuse but whether such misuse is intentional ,and /or whether such use presents a significant risk of destroying the world.Any technology, like so many other things is a tool that can be used or misused . In the end it is the person or people not the technology that is responsible.There are many way to misuse the technology, from internet issue such as cyber bulling, copy right and cyber staking over dependence on technology .

The big problem about technology misuses can be summarized in two words: culture and education. Some people aren't sufficiently cultured to use technology properly as a tool because they use it as an easy way solution or as a fashionable trends. Also, these people do not have education to use it correctly.It could go on your record and you will be seen as a criminal

Because of hundreds of services that technology offers, there are many techniques to harm persons and waste time. People use their time to harm others even though they know that it is not good. For example, people manufactures use it as weapons to destroy others instead of improving themselves.

People are actually concerned about misuse and abuse of technology. Society states that internet uses lead to intimidation or threat to people as well as allowing easy piracy by providing the infrastructure to illegal music or software downloads and plagiarism. Educational institutions are worried about students' development in their classes due to misuses of technology. For instance, learners are using cellphones, playing games, and surfing on some pornographic web sites and other non suitable sites during class. Some students even start using cellphones at the age of ten. This isn't a bad thing because many parents are both working and have to leave their children with a babysitter, so they need a way to communicate with their children. Nowadays, children not only want to have cellphones, but also prefer to have the latest version of it. If children do not have it, they might feel ashamed with their friends and prefer to leave their old-fashioned cellphone at home.

Moreover, many late model cellphones have built-in camera and some people use it to record pictures or videos that may damage others reputation. Because of these, some people say and think that the technology is responsible and it is not good for society. However, people have to understand that this is happening because of technology misuse. As a tool, technology do not do anything to threaten the society, it is the misuse of it that threatens society. It is humans that use technology to threaten society, the fault is at the user of the technology, not the technology itself.

Digital counterfeiting is a great example of the misuse if technology. Digital counterfeiting is the illegal act of creating copies of items such as currency, legal documents, and credit cards with the use of computers, printers, and scanners. With the high resolution and extremely good color quality of the printers offered today, individuals have increased the opportunity that’s higher than ever to create digital counterfeiting. The US Secret Service estimates that more than 60% of all counterfeited money today is created digitally. With the advancement in technology of printers, scanners, and computers, the increase of digital counterfeiting is at an all time high.


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