Is the game "Outlast" really scary?

From experience I didn't find the game that scary but it did have some jumpy bits so I'd prepare yourself for them but other than that it's not to bad I understand everyone's different so yeah I hope you enjoy the game, I found it personally a really good game and now waiting for the rumour of Outlast 2 to be confirmed. Hope you enjoy :)
However I'm waiting to play the DLC WhistleBlower and heard that is scary but not as bad as the game it's self.

Outlast" is SCARY. And it is a good horror haunted alysum game. FOR ADULT players. NOT recommended for kids under 18 yrs. The atmosphere of doom and insanity and bot knowing that the  is the most effective part part any good horror filn r game. It is VERY BLOODY and shows inhuman "surgeions" wtith 2 feet scissors and rambling craszy people and Mount Massive makes Nazi Dr,Mengele seem benevolent  But bad joke aside,. the real doqnside to the game is VERY few NPCs, hardy any, and room smeared in blood wal to wall, it is OVER THE TOP, almost laughable. It would require lots of blood tp "decorate" Mount Massive! 
At first the camera as your only weapon in a place that is 75 % pitch blackness, is pretty fim amd novel. But why not a gun with 6 or 10 bullets to be used here and there?


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